
Urban Zone League  Advancing to UZ division 1
[b00bs] made it to Division 1 in TS and CTF this season. So we'll be facing the heavy weights of European Urban Terror in both game modes. We are tremendously excited about the challenge.

However a time like this is also a good moment to reflect how and why you got there. Macedonia The-spiki assembled an amazing bunch of guys around him and it is time to look back a little and be proud. Just as a little reminder: This text only touches on the small part of this clan which is the Urban-Zone first team.

Lets start with TS

We started our run in UZ in season 3 in Division 11, which was the last division in that season. We didnt do particularly well. Won 3 matches and lost 2 and finished in the middle of that group. Netherlands Jewboy United Kingdom Dan France Orphal United Kingdom SubZ Poland Fre*doM and of course Macedonia The-spiki are still actively with us. Germany Omtek we lost to inactivity, and we had to part ways with France Slash and United Kingdom kyle for different reasons. But nevertheless - what this team has become is founded on the loyalty and the dedication of that crew and thats something that I, as a newcomer, for about 1 year on [b00bs] now, can only applaud. If all the guys that we picked up in our more recent history stay loyal and around as long as you did we are looking at a lot more seasons in Division 1. That I'll guarantee right here.
Second place in that division by the way was a team named CresCentClan from Turkey, who was just in the same division as [b00bs]-dd last season - so hats off to you guys as well for keeping the clan rolling.

Season 4 we received a pretty hefty promotion to Division 8. Tieing only two games and winning five matches we won that division. Second placed was a team named Balkan Crew, and well Serbia Dignja and Serbia SexPistol of that team are now with [b00bs]-dd in Division 3. Also a pretty long run guys. Third place was [FAOD] also a team that stayed for a few more seasons, but whose members are now distributed in other teams. The big change for [b00bs] in that season was the addition of United Kingdom JediMind and USA RayLewis to the roster. United Kingdom JediMind started training us with the experience he gathered in -dynasty- before. And now he has brought the team back to where he came from at that time: Division 1.
New with us that season were Canada Velocity , who disappeared into oblivion just this January, and the brief interlude of ke$ha .

Slovak Republic nikes USA Geordi and Ecuador Garterbelt were the big additions in Season 5. 4 wins and three ties in the end secured us another division win. So by now we had enough willing players to start the second squad [b00bs]-dd lead by RAW-mEAT. But touching on that part of history would be a little too much at this point. Slovak Republic nikes who is undoubtedly one of the better players in this game might wear the =jF= tag with pride these days, but he is still with us regularly and I know he loves staying around us. [b00bs] became his home after he left D&F and we are still very proud of having him with us as a friend and player in TS.
This marked also the first season when we beat Spanish Soldiers and World United in our division. Placing first. We lost USA Geordi and France Slash at the end of the season and these guys basically moved on to create Work in Progress. Never met you guys on TeamSpeak but you two have always been classy opponents in the various matches that we played.

During the following SummerCup we picked up Croatia duhfysa and our beloved Portuguese aimbot Portugal Am!sh . And with them we started doing some damage in Division 4. Beating SPA, GG, hF (some eRazers in CB), C54 and the staPro mix, only tieing with the Polish GoodTeam by one round on Turnpike. We placed second due to differential yet we remained unbeaten. Also a season I can very well remember now. It was Croatia duhfysa and United Kingdom JediMind clutching some epic 2 on 5 against hF on casa - Portugal Am!sh and Canada Velocity rampaging C54 on prague - Slovak Republic nikes and Portugal Am!sh bailing out Spiki against GG on Uptown rushing for the tieing round - the evolution of our teamplay in the match against GT on Turnpike - and the total destruction of SPA on Uptown that marked this season in the division.

Now came WinterCup and the third acitvity win for [b00bs] in a row. And we were ready to go in Division 3. Due to the Division placements we would enjoy beating SPA, GG and the remainder of WU again. Toughest opponent would prove to be h3 from Germany, who only lost two maps in the Division. Both to [b00bs]. Also in our way were TSK and -rte who were put away so there would not be a single lost map in this season. 6 games - 6 wins - perfect score. No significant additions to the roster before that season also mark our confidence in the assembled team that this team is ready to do good in the divisions they are playing in nowadays. However we managed to pick up another gem in USA Dr.Spaceman and convinced Canada solitary and United Kingdom Champ2012 to play with [b00bs].

Just so this is stated clearly. Our last loss in an UrbanZone season is from season 3 against cRs on October 23rd 2010. Overall [b00bs] assembled a record of 19 victories - 7 ties - 2 losses in the first team. Blame it on Uptown all you want yet this team won 68% of its matches and didn't forfeit or drop out of a season once.
We are looking at the toughest challenge we can face, but with this roster of friends that we assembled over the years we are just excited to get going. Bring it on guys! Because we will have fun, no matter what.

So here is CTF

The CTF story is a little different. In retrospect I blame our advancement on Division 1 on a single game. Some may call it a fluke, but remembering it yesterday on TS we decided it was the game of our lives. It just clicked for us in that game and we beat intribe in Division 3 - securing us the second place. And the spot in Division 2.

However I will start in Season 10. Division 8. Last division just as in TS. 2 wins - 1 tie and 1 loss against +OC+ mark that season for [b00bs]. I believe most of the +OC+ guys are still around in [FID] nowadays. However also our first victory against [RKF], who I still see advertising, mark at least a small milestone. The team securing that W consisted of Germany RAW-mEAT United Kingdom SubZ France Orphal Poland Fre*doM France Slash and France Archus . Only one player who is not with us these days. Again the major strength of this team: Loyalty. From time to time I call it an organised crime family with Spiki as the Don for exactly that reason.

Season 11 in Division 5 is not the shiny season of [b00bs]. With three losses to rush, wayne!? and +OC+ it is our worst season performance. However it marks the only appearance of Your-Creator in an official match for [b00bs]. And he is still with us. Delighting us with his voice that makes anyone wonder if oneself has hit puberty yet. Also in his first match [b00bs] was Slovak Republic bo100nka featurintg all his jokesting and cheasting jumps. We eagerly await the day he reinstalls UrbanTerror and goes back balonking with us. Opponents be afraid of May.

Pure tenacity got us the promotion to Division 4. In season 12 we again lost 2 matches. But what remains is the friendship with Team-UY. v0dka is playing with us in CB from time to time - and we made damn well sure they can play Uptown CTF, but these guys are just epic fair sportsmen. Their first appearance in league matches had United Kingdom Primevil and Germany *Infinity . Prime had to leave due to his own epic fail, but I still remember my first nights on [b00bs] TS with him and Bolonka jumping around and making anyone feel like complete n00bs on the jump server. Except Slovak Republic nikes and United Kingdom Dan . This season also marks the end of our run with +OC+ through multiple divisions. And yet we still managed to earn a promotion. The loss to mG marking our last CTF loss.

Now we get to season 13 and Division 3. With Croatia duhfysa new to the lineup as a flag runner and Portugal Am!sh as a pure defense beast we felt okay heading into the division - and got destroyed by Team42 on Turnpike in our first match. Of course they couldn't take us on Uptown, but it kind of marked the day that we knew we were facing a difficult challenge in this division. What we didnt count on at that point was the mere stupidity of teams that just drop out of high divisions or rage-quit because they dont want to lose on an opponents map. And well, as mentioned before we played the CTF game of our lives. Beating intribe on Abbey and Uptown and securing the second place in the division with three wins and three ties. Earning the promotion in CTF and not profiting from rage quitting teams. In this season you will also find the rare appearance of Germany Nebel in the [b00bs] match reports. The guy is useful as a caller but not much more smiling.

So second place meant Division 2 in the 14 edition of UZ CTF. Whe we looked at the groups we choked hard at /PARS// and the French Turnpike armada that we were about to face. But we felt comfortable playing Sexy Chicks and Glory in their first CTF season. Yet it came completely different. The French Turnpike armada almost completely faltered because of their inability to produce a reliable team, show up at match time or their willingness to play Uptown. "We will not reschedule a match just to play Uptown" kind of describes the attitude of some people towards the game. It is not like we decline playing PARS on Algiers or French clans on Turnpike.
However =SC= gave us a good game. And we would be the only team at the end of the season taking a map from them. No fucking whining about the schedule once thats done and no flaming during the game. That's how it is done. And if every team would show the same reliability, tenacity and professional approach towards the games we would probably not be in Division 1 in CTF. 2 victories and 3 ties are the final result for [b00bs].

Yet here we are - and we will give it our best shot. Those that complain about it might start asking themselves where in this process they contributed to us moving up through the divisions, probably by forfeiting a match or even a whole season. Don't complain - just come and get us. Can't be that hard according to you. Because thats what we do: Showing up for matches and having fun.

Last shout out of this story goes to all the [b00bs] that started and joined this journey at one point in time. Those that didn't get a special mention because they are not playing league matches with us, those that are on other continents or play on [b00bs]-dd. Those that are still with us and those that went on in their lives, those that had to leave and those that contributed to memorable nights on TeamSpeak. [b00bs] wouldn't be here without you and it could never be the same.

This one is for you guys.

And last but not least our three golden rules implemented and controlled by Don-Spiki:

No cheating
No faking
No multi-clanning
Links: n/a
written by Nebel - 26.04.2012 - 01:38


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[b00bs] clan SERVERS
[b00bs] USA Uptown only CTF
[b00bs] USA Uptown only TS
[b00bs] USA Snipers only
[b00bs] Downtown 27967
[b00bs] USA Jump Maps
[b00bs] UK funmap only TS
[b00bs] EURO Uptown CTF
[b00bs] EURO Uptown TS
[b00bs] EURO Uptown TDM
[b00bs] EURO Uptown BOMB
[b00bs] EURO Pronmaps only
[b00bs] Return The Frag CTF
[b00bs] EURO Boobstown TS
[b00bs] BOMB this shit out
[b00bs] Deutsch Mutterschiff
[b00bs] EURO Uptown SNOW
[b00bs] EURO Uptown FFA
[b00bs] EURO Jump maps
[b00bs] EURO Jumpers
[b00bs] Dust2 only
[b00bs] UK Red Eclipse